Bach Two-Part Inventions (KJOS)

A book of piano pieces from the Kjos Master Composer Library: “J.S. Bach: Two-Part Inventions”, edited by KeithSnell. The Bach Two-Part Inventions were composed as teachingpiecesand appear in ascending order by pitch, starting with C and using only those Major and minorkeys with no more than four sharps or flats. All Inventions,clearly engraved on two pages with no page turns, include editorial markings and suggestedtempi. The well designed table of ornaments, presented on alarge easy-to-read staff, shows a picture of the ornament, an accurate description of execution,and exactly which notes to play. Contents: Invention No.1 in C Major, BWV 772 Invention No.7 in E Minor, BWV 778 Invention No.5 in Eb Major, BWV 776 Invention No.3 in D Major, BWV 774 Invention No.15 in B Minor, BWV 786 Invention No.12 in A Major, BWV 783 Invention No.11 in G Minor, BWV 782 Invention No.10 in G Major, BWV 781 Invention No.8 in F Major, BWV 779 Invention No.14 in Bb Major, BWV 785 Invention No.13 in A Minor, BWV 784 Invention No.2 in C Minor, BWV 773 Invention No.4 in D Minor, BWV 775 Invention No.6 in E Major, BWV 777 Invention No.9 in F Minor, BWV 20

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