A Guide to Non-Jazz Improvisation (Flute)

The non-jazz improvisation series is a concept that germinated in Dick Weissman’s mind while he was attending music school. He wrote a 15-piece arrangement of the old square dance tune, Cripple Creek, andwanted the trombone to take a solo as part of the arrangement. When thetrombonist kept playing a bebop solo that was totally unsuitable for the chart, Dick realized that – in addition to the many musicians who do not improvise – there are even jazz musicians who don’t know how to improvise outside the limits of their own stylistic backgrounds.The non-jazz improvisation series mostly includes new original tunes that are intended to show how to improvise inmany musical styles, including; Blues, Country, American folk, and Latin-American. World music including: South American, Eastern European, Asian odd-meters (playing in a variety of time signatures), New Age, Classical, and Folk-Rock. In short, the books are an encyclopedia of virtually every musical style, excluding jazz.

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